The most fundamentally incompatible idea between the Standard Model (Gravity-based) cosmology and the Electric Universe (Electro-Magnetism & Plasma based) cosmology is “by what means are the planets held in their orbit about the Sun?”
We have the long entrenched view that this is due to Gravitational Attraction. But there are many problems with this idea, not least of which is that it’s supposed mechanism remains unexplained and unobserved by scientists. It does not explain how a planet can “gravitationally capture” other bodies. If you point out that under General Relativity, the Earth is trying to orbit where the Sun was eight minutes ago, the outer planets are even more out-of-sync and that the whole effect is cumulative so that the Solar system should quickly fall into chaos, you will probably be called names. The story becomes worse when we consider galaxies, all the stars of which rudely refuse to orbit at the calculated velocity.
The EU model says that what we experience as Gravity is really the (much) weaker attractive component of the Dipolar (two directional) Electro-Magnetic force. It is the vastly stronger (39 orders of magnitude) repulsive electric force that pushes outwards from our Sun against the opposite force from the rest of the Universe. It is this that creates the Solar System’s plasma bubble within the Heliopause and arranges the planets according to their charge with respect to the Sun, and the moons with respect to their planets.
It may seem an academic point to some, which idea is right - the planets still orbit after all. But it totally changes the mechanics of the Solar System, and it tells us the accepted story of how the Sun and Earth and other planets came to be where they are today, is completely wrong, and in fact quite impossible.
People have often criticized or been put off by the ideas of the Electric Universe theory, frequently because it breaks too much existing physics and even history. They protest that mythological references are not scientific proof of anything. This is quite true of course.
But mythology is not being presented as a proof, nor was it used to construct the theory. Wilhelm Weber provided us with equations for Electric Gravity and more recently Immanuel Velikovsky wrote the excellent Cosmos without Gravitation.
However the EU theory does predict that under the right electrical conditions, the planets will move and change dramatically, causing plasma discharges and seismic activity, the loss or increase of matter, changes in orbit, atmospheric collapse, changes in rotational speed and axis, cometary tails and many other effects.
In my personal opinion, as Apparent Gravity is really a function of the electro-magnetic force, the apparent strength of gravity should itself change over time according to the strength of the current a body receives. This means that a planet with more charged matter, draws more current and experiences (both) stronger repulsive and attractive forces. As you increase this effect, planets would push further apart from the Sun (repulsively) but the local attractive force would also become stronger, and on the surface you would experience more weight.
The same holds true for Stars, a bigger star has more charged matter to draw current from the Galaxy and a proportion of this current is distributed among all the bodies within it’s Heliopause - this would have the effect of increasing the attractive and repulsive forces among all the planets, compared to the current from a smaller star. A change in star therefore would have a very dramatic affect on a planet, both to it’s orbit and to it’s local apparent strength of gravity.
The mythology (and geology) certainly add some very interesting colour to the story of our Earth and the Solar System, but EU Physics is not derived from it, it just happens to agree with much of it.
With all of those ideas in mind, I invite you to watch Wal Thornhill’s superb presentation here, where he shares some of the most recent ideas of Gravity in the Electric Universe model and a hypothetical reconstruction of our Solar System’s history according to the theory.
9 Jun 2024
In November 2014 a comprehensive review of the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology, with a special emphasis on recent discoveries, was held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Together with David Talbott, Wal Thornhill (1942–2023) created The Thunderbolts Project as a voice for Electric Universe ideology with an emphasis on direct observation and experiment, in contrast to conventional modeling of the physical world through extravagant mathematics.
Some of the topics covered in Wal's presentation include; Origin of the Solar System, Giants and Dwarfs, What is a Brown Dwarf?, Flaring Red Stars, The Brown Dwarf Proto-Saturn, Is Gravity Electrical?, Proto-Saturn's Capture, Venus - Saturn's Last Born, Battle-Scarred Mars, and Earth – a Former Saturnian.